“That’s old history. Great history. Like I said every now and then I’ll think back on it.  Especially when someone asks about it.”


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Dennis Chambers is involved with Billy Cobham’s “Guide To Stress-Free Drumming” and so for that ongoing event, I was invited to speak with the legend himself. Due to a house fire situation, all of Dennis’ recording gear was offsite which meant that we would need to do this over Zoom. Or did it…?


I decided that maybe it would be a vibe to just record a phone call. You know, an old-fashioned phone call! It was amazing. I was sitting out on my hammock on a beautiful sunny day talking to one of my all-time favorite musicians. It turns out that Dennis is funny, charming, and down-to-earth. That made this all the more incredible. Sometimes they say “never meet your heroes”. This was certainly an exception.


You will hear about many things in this messy and natural conversation. No notes. No prep. Just a phone call that I will never forget. I hope that you experience this episode like you were listening in on us like a fly on the wall. This episode is as casual as this podcast will ever get.


You Will Hear About….


Honestly, there is too much going on here to even begin listing off everything within this conversation. Just as a general overview though, we talked about his dog, his incredible collection of historically important instruments, the house fire, his health scare, playing in a band, and much more.

Why Should You Listen?


This is Dennis Chambers talking on the phone with me in a funny and memorable conversation. Need I say more?


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