Welcome to Drum Channel. I’m Billy Amendola, and my two guests today are solo artists, session players, songwriters, band members, and hired guns; they’ve been working musicians for a few decades now. Please welcome drummer and recent book author Rich Scannella and a drummers dream bass player/guitarist/singer, Kasim Sultan. 

We can’t run down all the credits they both have; but, a few of the main ones come up in this in-person conversation recorded at DC East Coast studio. 

Rich, tells us about his recent biography book “Ghost Notes,” as well as playing in Jon Bon Jovi’s solo project as well as touring with the 90s band Tonic. 

Kasim fills us in on what he’s been up to recently, his latest solo album, he reminisces recording on one of the five greatest albums of all-time, advice on staying active in the business and more. 

Enjoy! Thank you to everyone listening. Billy A and I’ll see you next time, on Drum Channel!