In the whispering pines of the Sierra Nevada, a shadow lingers – the unsolved Keddie Murders. Four lives extinguished, one child vanished, a young girl named Tina Sharp swallowed by the wilderness. Her fate, an open wound that bleeds unanswered questions. For the first time, hidden details are revealed in my "Classified Theory" that may shed new light on this haunting case. We'll begin with Monero, the enigmatic cryptocurrency shrouded in secrecy before we delve into the mystery of the Keddie Cabin Murders.

Shill Kill pairs a promising crypto project with a true crime case, bridging two seemingly disparate worlds. The host is a Certified DeFi Expert. Always DYOR. If you're new to crypto and need helpful tips, check out our Medium page. To read more about my "Classified Theory" regarding the unsolved Keddie Cabin Murders, along with pictures and a map, go here.

"A Spectacular Twist!"

Shill Kill is for entertainment purposes only and not intended to offer financial advice. #truecrimepodcast #news #podcastshow