Ben Brown wasn't always super political. He was political in the sense that he got out to vote, but that was about it. He wasn't one to vocalize his political opinion to friends or family.

Until one day he couldn't get this idea out of his head. He recognized that there wasn't a lobbying voice out there for young Americans, and so he began thinking about what that might look like if there was an group that would fight for youth on issues that affected them. Like student debt, climate change and criminal justice.

What would the future look like if the 3 billion dollar lobbying industry was disrupted by young people? How would the world look in twenty years if this type of organization existed? And so, he left his clean-energy job to start up the Association of Young Americans (AYA). They are getting close to having 10 thousand members. Have created partnerships with brands that align with their vision and are holding politicians accountable to their word, by having consistent engagement with legislators on issues that youth care about. They lobby on behalf of young Americans and make it easy to stay informed.