In this episode, Paco returns to discusses her dump tour of New York as the boys explain more than just the subways of New York and New Jersey. Milky expresses his love for trash TV. 
The 100th episode is upon us next week. Episode 99.5 is certainly a weird number and I did indeed get shit for messing with the numbers, but I decided to keep with tradition so long ago when we wanted to have one more episode before the big 10th episode. Also, we needed Paco to come in and complete the cycle of Semi-Permanents before the 100th and she wanted to recount her version of New York and New Jersey. Be sure to catch the 100th next weekend, August 22nd at 6PM EST. Check the FB event for details. Intro/Outro: Inner Circle - Bad Boys
Get a Load of This
Florida Man Distracted by Dog, Overturns Truck on Highway
Paco's TacosGrannybal LecterEyeballs Stuffed in AssCreepy Clown Found in GraveyardSerial Killer of the Day: Anatoly Onoprienko - The Beast of Ukraine
Shit We MentionedFor more details on the topics discussed on this episode, please visit the Dropping Loads official website.