In this episode, Lionheart has an overabundance of gas. Pouch finally contacts Ben Hooper. Milky revisits a video about anilingus and fellatio in prison. 

Pouch here. It's a busy holiday season here at DLP, therefore some of our other SPs are a little preoccupied with other matters at the moment. However, Lionheart returns with a lot of flatulence. Dick and fart jokes. It's where the money is. Intro/outro: Queen - Killer Queen. 

Get a Load of This

Dumbass Found Stuck in a Fucking Grease Trap After 2 Days

KFC is Selling Firewood that Burns the Smell of Fucking Fried Chicken

Poacher Forced to Watch Bambi At Least Once a Month He’s in Fucking Jail

Shit We Mentioned

For more details on the topics discussed on this episode, please visit the Dropping Loads official website.