In this episode, the Bitches and Maria sit in to discuss when breasts are too big, the sculpting of genitals on tombstones, and Pouch's wild night out. The DLP boys ponder the many uses of feces. Also, Pouch professes his admiration for a teenage idiot.

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Well, it's been more than a month since we sat down and recorded a podcast. It's been so long that some of us weren't even sure how to get back into it. Still, the enthusiasm of sitting down and recording after so long really drove us to push out a pretty great episode. Absence really does make the heart grow fonder.

Please check us out on FacebookTwitterEmail, and leave a review on iTunes. Subscribe to us on YouTube. Intro/Outro: Sex in the Cemetery - The Accelerators.

This week's Teasing Loads has me questioning Milky whether or not he would comply with Maria's last request.

Also check out last week's sketch, Intruder!

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Dumbass Cop Tazes 10-year old

Pussy on Tombstone

Shit-Powered Motorbike
Shit We Mentioned
For more details on the topics discussed in this episode, visit the official Dropping Loads Blog.

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