In this episode, to celebrate episode 200, Pouch and Milky break their long-running format. Instead of presenting a Semi-Permanent for a laughter-filled hour, the co-hosts sit down and have an intimate conversation, interviewing one another with questions written by themselves and by friends. 

Pouch here. This episode really snuck up on us. Although we had preliminary plans to do something big to celebrate, we lost track of time and simply wasn't able to prepare for it. Instead, I mused about what we could do to make this episode different as we did every landmark episode. Then, I realized that different didn't have mean spectacular or loud, so because our podcast has always been fast and filled with riotous laughter, we thought about going the opposite direction. Instead, we decided on something far smaller, quieter, and far more intimate. We hope you enjoyed this glimpse into our lives and origins. Thank you to all of our Semi-Permanents, current and former, and all of our friends who have ever appeared to help us out on the podcast. We're nothing wihtout you guys. Intro/outro: Plies - Racks Up to My Ear Featuring Young Dolph.

Shit We Mentioned

For more details on the topics discussed on this episode, please visit the Dropping Loads official website