In this episode, Pouch decides to curse the listeners with another solo episode while Paco and Milky are in Peru and before Hurricane Irma blows him away or drowns him. Just before that happens, he serves some fajitas. 

Pouch here. This was recorded just a few days before Hurricane Irma hit Miami, so it just shows my level of dedication to the craft of podcasting! I felt like such an amateur as I made several silly mistakes that I had to fix with the magic of editing. I've really relied on the company of others to record. Intro/outro: Billy Idol - Dancing with Myself. 

Get a Load of This

Chick Gets Fucking Stuck After Attempting to Throw a Piece of Shit Out the Window

Pouch's Fajitas

Dear David

Shit We Mentioned

For more details on the topics discussed on this episode, please visit the Dropping Loads official website