In this episode, Paco returns so soon and brings forth a serial killer that impresses the guys. Pouch drove to Orlando and took a route that scared him. Milky shows off his prowess in cunninlingus. 

Pouch here. Paco's back because SPJ has been very predisposed at first. We'll try to get him back on next week, we swear. We got a good episode with her though. Her Serial Killer of the Day is pretty impressive. Intro/outro: Blitzkid - Mr. Gore. 

Get a Load of This

App Allows You to Upload Your Fucking Pussy-Licking Skills

Cocaine Hidden in Fucking Bananas

Paco's Tacos

Pouch's Fajitas: Real Life Crimes Dumber Twists than Any Crime Show

Johnny Gosch

Maria Labo: The Aswang

Hallucinating Thai Mother Cooks and Eats her Children

Serial Killer of the Day: Mikhail Popkov

Paco's Extra Condiments:

Photo of Jimmy Gosch Tied and Bound
Mikhail Popkov Admits to Killing 59 Others

Shit We Mentioned

For more details on the topics discussed on this episode, please visit the Dropping Loads official website