In this episode, SPJ returns to preach the brilliance of Baller Blockin and review Chode One. Pouch is weirded out by a co-worker. Milky thinks that Fred Dorst is a snitch. 

Pouch here. SPJ is back. We lost a fantastic episode while attempting to record. We'll briefly explain it in the episode. We had a lot of energy and we obviously missed SPJ if we recorded twice and each time, it was fucking hysterical. Unfortunately, you will never hear the lost 5 minutes of the first episode we attempted to record that day. Intro/outro: Minnesota - Lil Yachty

Get a Load of This

Someone tried to Smuggle 3,000 Fucking Pounds of Weed Disguised as Watermelons

Man has the World's Largest Dick, 19 Fucking Inches

Road Covered in Skittles, Meant to Feed our Fucking Cattle

Shit We Mentioned

For more details on the topics discussed on this episode, please visit the Dropping Loads official website