In this episode, Gad returns and he's very impressed with Rogue One. Pouch reflects on 2016. Milky just wants the cops to pay for his car window if they break it. 

Pouch here. Who knew we'd end the year off with Gad? We tried to get another Semi-Permanent, but unfortunately, the one we had in mind was far too busy because of Christmas... so we had to bring in a ringer again. Thanks for 2016, guys. We'll see you in 2017. Intro/Outro: Michael Giacchino - Hope (from the original soundtrack of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story). 

Get a Load of This

Guy Gets Fucking Stabbed Twice Within Hours

Cops Break into a Car because They Thought that an Old Woman had Fucking Frozen to Death

Two Chicks Chuck a Few Fucking Dildos at an Armed Burglar

 Shit We Mentioned

For more details on the topics discussed on this episode, please visit the Dropping Loads official website