In this episode, a last minute cancellation causes the guys to bring in a ringer... or Milky's roommate, Gad. That is his real name. Pouch believes he knows Gad's middle name. Milky wants Marvel Studios to own the X-Men again. 

Pouch here. Just as it says in this week's episode description, we had a cancellation. We sort of scrambled for a new guest and we asked a couple of Milky's available roommates and Gad answered the call. Let us know if you like him. Intro/outro: Vanilla Ice - Ninja Rap.

Get a Load of This

Did Gad Go to Alaska to Steal a Sword?

Scumbag Steals Somebody's Identity to Run Away from Family

Guys Somehow Uses Wedding Rings as Cock Ring

Shit We Mentioned

For more details on the topics discussed on this episode, please visit the Dropping Loads official website