Dr. Hortencia Jimenez was born in Nayarit, Mexico in la Sierra Madre and raised in the agriculture community of Watsonville CA. At a young age, she was separated from her mother and came with her grandma and aunt to the U.S.


Dr. Jimenez spent her childhood years working in the fields and learned the ethic of hard work and perseverance.


She holds a BA, MA, and Ph.D in Sociology and is also a certified Health Coach and Fitness Instructor.


Dr. Jimenez is a full-time tenured Sociology professor teaching at a local community college in Monterey, County.


Dr. Jimenez transitioned to social media during the pandemic and created her instagram account @drhortenciajimenez as a response to the lack of Latinx representation and conversation of an anti-diet approach in the Health and Wellness industry.


Her work centers on dismantling diet culture and helping Latinxs heal their relationship with food, embrace food without guilt and love your body. She is passionate about health and wellness!


Follow Dr. Jimenez on IG and TikTok @drhortenciajimenez or visit her website at hortenciajimenez.com

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