Previous Episode: Dropped D - Episode 02.05

It's a Huge Conspiracy! The Guns N' Roses era of Dropped D ends with a whimper. The boys cover the lamented Chinese Democracy this week in the final GNR episode, because, let's face it, there won't be another. Even if there is, Desmond will be long dead by then, and Damien will be busy transferring his stock in Mountain Dew Corp. into his retirement funds. So enjoy it while it lasts. Axl is a time traveler, Paul Huge rears his ugly head, a wager is made, and all sorts of nasty shenanigans are gone through. What do old Damien and Desmond sound like? Also, how old was the babysitter Desmond hired? When is it acceptable to have "sha-na-nas" in your lyrics? And, finally, what is the next band your intrepid podcasters will cover? Questions for the ages, my friends. Send your questions and comments for the ages to: [email protected], or 410.871.8192. Follow @dreadmedia and @ExtraLivesShow on Twitter!