Previous Episode: Quickcast 01 13 2020
Next Episode: Quickcast 01 20 2020

A delicious, mysterious goo that oozes from the earth is marketed as the newest dessert sensation, but the tasty treat rots more than teeth when zombie-like snackers who only want to consume more of the strange substance at any cost begin infesting the world.

There are so many things wrong with this movie and so many things right with this movie. Here at Dropped Culture Studios we pick some of the best movies you might have seen but this one... if you have seen it...... sorry? It discombobulated us so much we even got lost. The crazy edits, the hard to follow story arch, and even the main character so totally unlikable we can’t help but want “Chocolate Chip” Charlie to Karate chop him in the face for us. It was difficult but we did it! And we had fun doing it! Enough is Never Enough! Hit us up on Instagram and Facebook @droppedculturepodcast and Twitter @culturedropped and visit the refurbished website at and tell us what you think!
Have a Dropped Culture Day!