Imagine if you had unlimited funds, absolute control, and nobody could ever say no to anything you wanted in a feature film of your choice. What movie would you make? It's hard isn't it? That's what Tyson, Dan and Brock talk about on this weeks episode of The Dropped Culture Podcast. Tyson talks about his ultimate team up super hero movie, Dan gives us his best comic book super villain movie, and Brock takes us to the heyday of 80's action. We don't want to give too much away by this synopsis, so sit back grab some corn, some back bacon, and a couple of Elsinore's while we assault your ear holes! But you know what we really want? Your feedback! Your ideas! Your hate mail! send it all to [email protected] facebook @droppedculturepodcast, instagram @droppedculturepodcast, and twitter @culturedropped.
As always The Dropped Culture Podcast is brought to you by The Skeletons Of Memory online at