Holy moly! The same week a Black Hole had its picture taken for the first time, a new Star Wars trailer drops!? Coincidence, or a cleverly staged plot to sell more tickets to Disney Land? You be the judge.

We spread more Sock Love across the world again, Dropbear is swashbuckling, Luke continues to taunt Panda as Beat Sabergate continues to heat up, bots are ruining everything, and Panda scores multiple roles in a fundraiser about a Princess Bride (and Dropbear is hoping for a walk on as a ROUS). 

Ian Cognito Dies on Stage;
The Loose Moose Theatre Company;
Black Hole;
Black Hole Troll;
Internet Bots;
Star Wars Teaser;
Beat Sabergate;
Black Hole Movie Trailer;
Stem Learning Lab;
Scorpio Theatre - The Princess Bride;
Tool Shed Brewing Company;
Grassy Narrows Go Fund Me;
Jag War Trailer;
You'd Better Watch Out;

Our sponsors The Friday Sock Company and Make More Creative;
Emre Cords for our amazing theme music;
Doug de Nance for the dope voice-over.

And don't forget to check out our friends over at FLICKS XRAYED