In this episode of Drop and Give Me 20, Lindsey interviews Michele Bradfield and Curtez Riggs. Both had successful conferences namely Military Spouse Wellness Summit (Michele) and Military Influencer Conference (Curtez).

The Military Spouse Wellness Summit is a nonprofit fundraiser for InDependent. A portion of every VIP ticket will go to help fund the development of health and wellness programs for military spouses.

The Military Influencer Conference is an exciting, dynamic event that brings together hundreds of military spouses, military and veteran community leaders, entrepreneurs, influencers and business owners who are united by a mutual passion for the military.

In this episode, they talked about how both conferences went, the difficulties, and the lessons they learned. They also shared beneficial tips when planning an event.

Important topics they discuss:

[02:50] Number of speakers both conferences ended up having [03:27] Scheduling difficulties [04:47] The point in the planning phase where they looked for sponsors [05:39] Lessons Michele learned when she hosted an event [06:28] How Curtez will do things differently the next time around [07:40] Influencer/affiliate program for their event [11:35] Saying NO [12:30] Tips/recommendations on launching an event [14:35] The next Military Spouse Wellness Summit [15:11] The next Military Influencer Conference



"My number 1 tip for any event organizers is to get together an ambassador group influencers. Even if it's five to ten people, it doesn't have to be very many, that they need to have a strong influence in whatever community you are trying to reach..."  - Michelle Bradfield

Military Spouse Wellness Summit
Military Influencer Conference