The government produces a ton of paperwork, so much in fact that it delayed a flight. If you want to fly to Area 51, I have the perfect job for you. Joseph describes his experience of renting a dockless scooter. StreetsBlog is at it again, blaming a driver for hitting a person who ran out in front of him. Why would anyone want to jump off a ship? Flip flops are a real hazard when it comes to the foot pedals. Ride sharing companies are actually helping mobilize lower income neighborhoods. Denver7 reporter Tomas Hoppough rants about roundabouts. All that and more on the Driving You Crazy Podcast.


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Production Notes:


Open music: jazzyfrenchy by Bensound

Music into first break: Feel The Burn by Jeremy Allingham

Music out of first break: Dedena Perada by Mervin Perera

Close music: Latché Swing by Hungaria

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