Personal Finances is not about your money itself, but it’s about your behavior towards it. 

There tons of reasons why people save, but the concept of saving is insanely simple yet not easy to achieve. It will be tough for someone to keep without this big motivation. Imagine yourself waking up feeling lost — a restless wanderer without a purpose. 

Saving money is like going to the gym, knowing you are out of shape, but without a sense of urgency, you won’t even start doing it. 

Your why begins with you. No one can push you hard aside from you. 

I believe that this is the year that you can change your financial life by changing your perspective.

Clear purpose 

Your purpose is like the fuel to your car; without it, yo

u won’t last. Your main goal is to save money for the future endeavor it might be for an emergency, business, or a house. 

Try to reflect and ask yourself, again and again, the reason you need to save some funds. Finding purpose will not be easy. Still, when you can’t identify your purpose that is an anchor to your core values, it will be harder for you to accomplish the goals you have in mind. Successful people know why they’re doing what they’re doing. 

Recommendation: Ask yourself genuinely about the purpose of the money that you have. Name every single cent; whether it is big or small, everything has a purpose. Do this every day, and you will create a powerful habit that will last for a lifetime. Remember when you meet God someday, He will ask you, “what have you done with the money I gave you?”. 

Luke 16:11 ESV If then you have not been faithful in the unrighteous wealth, who will entrust to you the true riches?

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