Episode 58 of the Driveline R&D Podcast with Anthony Brady, Alex Caravan, and Kyle Lindley!  

Driveline Baseball Certification Discount Code: podcast - visit edu.drivelinebaseball.com and use  ode at checkout  As always, if you're interested in becoming Driveline certified, you can get a 10% discount by using the code podcast at checkout by visiting edu.drivelinebaseball.com.  

Today we did a long recap of the 2021 SABR seminar, talked about a commentary piece on how analytics are good for surgery but apparently bad for baseball, new lab upgrades and going back on some nuances about hitting biomechanics that we are excited to try and standardize across the baseball biomechanics industry. In true Caravan fashion, he recorded from a Vegas Starbucks and still crushed his SABR recap. Enjoy!  

Glenn Healey & Lequan Wang public paper: https://vixra.org/pdf/2101.0046v1.pdf  

Alan Nathan's paper: http://baseball.physics.illinois.edu/HawkeyeSpinAnalysis-MLB-Part II-v1-public.pdf 

Link to the hosts' Twitters: 

Alex Caravan: https://twitter.com/Alex_Caravan 

Anthony Brady: https://twitter.com/BaseballFreak_9 

Kyle Lindley: https://twitter.com/kylelindley_

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