Drive Write: Episode 7 – The Hard Parts This week on Drive Write, I talk about hitting rough stretches of novel-writing road. There comes a point in the life of any project when it loses its luster. Other projects seem more interesting. It feels like you’ll never finish the darned thing. Even if you do... Read More in Drive Write: The Hard Parts

Drive Write: Episode 7 – The Hard Parts

This week on Drive Write, I talk about hitting rough stretches of novel-writing road. There comes a point in the life of any project when it loses its luster. Other projects seem more interesting. It feels like you’ll never finish the darned thing. Even if you do finish, the book is going to completely suck.

These points are where work happens. Quitting when things get hard teaches you to quit when things get hard. Hopefully my words of encouragement can help get you over your own stretch of rough road.