Drive Write: Episode 10 – NaNoWriMo Bonus Cast! What’s this? A BONUS CAST!?! That’s right, folks. NaNoWriMo is coming and this year I’m participating. In this cast, I talk about my plans for November and point out a couple resources to help you succeed with your 50k words. Specifically: – Write or write not, there is no... Read More in Drive Write: NaNoWriMo Bonus Cast!

Drive Write: Episode 10 – NaNoWriMo Bonus Cast!

What’s this? A BONUS CAST!?!

That’s right, folks. NaNoWriMo is coming and this year I’m participating. In this cast, I talk about my plans for November and point out a couple resources to help you succeed with your 50k words. Specifically: – Write or write not, there is no aspire.
I Should Be Writing – Campbell award-winning Mur Lafferty‘s podcast where she’s giving us regular inspirational, educational, motivational and MightyMur-tional podcasts to get everyone geared up for the big month.

I also make an announcement about the new Drive Write podcast logo. You know, uh… just in case you missed the big JPEG in the upper righthand corner.

I wrap up with a BONUS, bonus announcement where I introduce the Droblar web comic that will launch next week.

So there. Take that! Cheers, good luck with NaNoWriMo, and leave me a comment about your plans for November, the podcast logo, or anything else that’s on your mind. =)

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