Drive Thru FM #11 - Translating Hygge

Intro (00:00)

What I've been playing (01:40)

All the reviews (09:00)

Game of Thrones: A Feast for Crows (09:56)

Secrets (13:55)

Legacy of Dragonholt (15:18)

Muse (20:36)

Clank! In! Space! (23:59)

Hoity Toity (28:23)

Kobolds & Cobblestones (32:47)

Gaia Project (36:26)

Time of Crisis (39:16)

Pandemic Legacy: Season 2 (46:12)

Translating Hygge (52:16)

Hygge and Tabletop Gaming:

Kobolds & Cobblestones review: