Michelle leads Matt through espresso three ways wherein she takes an espresso blend of coffee and makes coffee three different ways with it. Its an interesting insight into how the brewing method affects the taste of the coffee.

Espresso shots and the length of time the shot rests before you drink it are discussed.

Lisa McLendon, an English professor, joins Michelle and Matt on Tweets from the Seats. The trio discusses the need for hyphens and how, if they’re omitted the meaning can be drastically different.

Follow Lisa: https://twitter.com/MadamGrammar

Alex and Monica from Siempre Tequila join Matt and Michelle to chat about two Canadians risking it all to make the spirit they love. Its a wonderful story about overcoming obstacles and finding success.

Visit the website: http://www.siempretequila.com

Samantha McCaffrey chimes in to chat about enjoying the Raptors finals games at Jack Astors. Samantha discusses the bump they’ve seen with the Raptors being so successful. Socialization = alcohol sales. Are there differences between the Raptors crowds and fans of other Sports franchises.

Visit the website: https://www.jackastors.com

Technical director Joty Pannu, Michelle and Matt sample Muskoka Brewery’s Craft Lager.

Visit the website: https://muskokabrewery.com

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