The Drinking Partners (minus Ed, plus Fresh Fest co-founder Mike Potter) try to be on their best behavior with New Belgium Brewing CEO Steve Fechheimer in the studio. In the beginning, their attempts are successful as Mr. Fechheimer explains how he joined New Belgium and how the company functions as an employee-owned business. More, Day engages in legitimate question-asking as the discussion centers around how New Belgium stays relevant and part of the craft beer community. The short answer? Making good beer and making new beer in their pilot program based in Asheville. Midway through, the group samples a black lager, one of Mike’s favorites – the 1554, a dark ale that was inspired by a 500 year-old recipe. Listen in for an important conversation on how New Belgium is helping to support a more diverse inclusion in the craft beer industry. Want to know the perks of working at a brewery? Stay tuned for that answer. Want to sip some New Belgium brews? You’ll get two chances: they will be at Fresh Fest on August 10th at Nova Place and will also be exclusively sponsoring the Sunday Brewer’s Brunch. For more info about New Belgium Brewing, visit: