From a new location – Emerald City in Pittsburgh, Pa – the Drinking Partners podcast returns with a double dose of dynamic duos. Ed and Day welcome Jacquea Mae and Byron Nash of NASH.V.ILL in this energetic and exciting interview. Self-described super-fan Day and an inquisitive Ed listen in as Byron recounts his first introduction to Jacquea: “The spirit took over” and she joined in, from the audience, during his last song. The impromptu duet was so impressive that they teamed up to form NASH.V.ILL. There is never a dull moment as Ed and Day drop jokes in between questions and stories, proving that the Drinking Partners comedic magic has not faded. Jacquea’s advises on how important making mistakes are to better one’s skills, and Byron explains how their on-stage improvisation that often results in unexpected and thrilling performances. Byron’s advice, midway through, is a must listen: “If you are brave enough to suck in front of people, you fix it way faster.” It wouldn’t be a true Drinking Partners episode without Ed breaking into song - stay tuned throughout to hear his renditions. The closing minutes of this newest Drinking Partners focuses on industry-specific advice and guidance from Jacquea and Byron, including a discussion on collaborative projects and sharing ideas. Intermixed with the sage wisdom are saucy interludes from Ed, rounding out a lively and mighty interview.