Ed and Day try to convince their latest guest to embrace her superhero-like name: Captain Battle. Listen in to find out what comedienne Leslie Battle thinks of their antics before she schools them both with the experience that has come from her years as a woman and as a veteran. Now, as a comic, she explores life as a “mother, soldier, divorcee, and performer.” The interview expands well beyond that scope as Ms. Battle discusses her life as a Black woman; at times, the conversation is analytical and thoughtful before shifting to humorous fun, in the way that comics do best. At all times, the interview is a fast-paced and compelling listen as the stage-loving trio playfully competes for airtime. Stay tuned until the closing segment to hear why Leslie chose stand-up comedy and how it has been therapeutic for her. And listen especially close as Day asks, “What’s the cougar scene looking like?” You’ll find the Drinking Partners in their true habitat during the last twenty minutes as it gets rowdy and hilarious. To see where you can catch Leslie Battle next, visit her website: www.lesliebattlecomedy.com.