Khamil Scantling, founder of Cocoapreneur Pgh, which focuses on community development through economic growth and entrepreneurship, visits the Drinking Partners to highlight her newest project: Greenwood Week (October 27– November 2). Named in honAor of Black Wall Street, a thriving Black community in Tulsa, OK that was destroyed by race riots, the minority-focused business conference hopes to provide, “a guided path to running a successful business or brand.” Ms. Scantling explains the ideas behind Greenwood Week and what attendees can expect: networking events to classes on mental and financial health to budgeting, funding, and business plan development. Ed offers an interesting financial comparison of his own and promises listeners that they won’t miss the cost of the ticket price for Greenwood Week before the group gets back on topic and looks into how small investments lead to large possibilities. Midway through, Ms. Scantling gives detailed instructions on what to expect from the experts who will host Greenwood Week’s classes. Collaboration, community, and comfort through eliminating barriers are the key elements examined in the latter minutes. Free childcare will be provided during the evening class sessions, which opens the door for Ed and Day to go off-topic. To their credit, they behaved most of the episode. To find out more about Greenwood Week and the weeklong events and to purchase tickets, visit: