What’s better than getting beer shipped to you from Troeg’s while sipping on beer from Mindful? Not much, the Drinking Partners decide in their latest podcast release. Happy and well-lubricated, Ed and Day welcome noted Pittsburgh blogger, and, according to Day, the daredevil of journalism, Virginia Montanez. Ms. Montanez shares a unique perspective as she relates her history of being “outed” as a once-anonymous political commentator, which caused her to lose her job with a non-profit, which leads into a conversation about the consequences of free speech. Several, Drinking Partners-esque detours offer laughs as the trio muses about deer as vermin, privacy concerns, and the political happenings in and around Pittsburgh, all within a few breaths. After years of blogging as Pittsburgh’s preeminent and wittiest voice, Ms. Montanez now shares her thoughts on Twitter. To follow her and her latest thoughts, find her @janepitt.