In the opening segment of the latest Drinking Partners release, Ed and Day imagine their guest as a superhero, complete with his own costume, theme song, and television show. Who is the guest who inspires them in the playful and creative start? No one knows, as the anonymous Munch – the “bag-headed” casual dining reviewer for the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette – visits the studio. Bold critiques blend with favorable reviews as Munch educates the Drinking Partners on Pittsburgh’s food scene. As listeners will expect, the lesson is often interrupted in unexpected and amusing ways as Ed and Day offer their thoughts on eating beef tongue, crickets, and other unusual items. Stay tuned in to hear why Day proclaims, “I don’t want to have to dip my meat,” and Ed passionately reflects on pasta salad before declaring his aunt’s the best in Cleveland. The trio ponders upon a cookout’s top five selections in a hilarious interchange about what five items they would choose for their picnic plate. To follow Munch’s reviews, visit Catch the Drinking Partners live at Arcade Comedy Theater for a special St. Patrick’s Day Show at 9 pm on March 17.