What started as two friends strumming guitars on the streets on a warm February night has leapt into a Pittsburgh-based web series dedicated to raising money for local charities. Spare Change TV creator Josh Corcoran brings an uplifting vibe into the studio as he describes how Spare Change began and how it continues to flourish. Inspired by the positivity and warmed with beer from Yellow Bridge Brewing, Ed pitches his own message of goodwill, “Be a good motherfucker today” and hopes that it catches on. At the midway point, the Drinking Partners reflect on the past year, from Ed’s accident to the expansion of their stand up shows. Tune in until the end to hear Mr. Corcoran describe what will be upcoming for Spare Change and to listen as Day defends the Chevy Astro Van as his ideal car. A heartening interview to end what was a monumental year for the Drinking Partners. To watch Spare Change TV’s motivational and entertaining music videos and to donate, please visit: https://www.sparechange.tv.