First go at a complete remote session! All 4 of us from 4 different locations! Instead of doing a beer, since we are remote, we are reviewing our untappd Year in Beer (2019). If you are interested in your 2019 year in beer make sure you check out: Then we reviewed a list of … Continue reading "2019: Year in a DiGo"

The post 2019: Year in a DiGo appeared first on DrinkIN GeekOUT.

First go at a complete remote session! All 4 of us from 4 different locations!

Instead of doing a beer, since we are remote, we are reviewing our untappd Year in Beer (2019).

If you are interested in your 2019 year in beer make sure you check out:

Then we reviewed a list of movies and tv shows that we were excited to check out in our 2019 preview episode!

The post 2019: Year in a DiGo appeared first on DrinkIN GeekOUT.