Hello beer lovers!

This week's episode, we are discussing the one and only Founders Brewing's Breakfast Stout.

I am joined by the head brewer, the brewmaster Jeremy Kosmicki of the much beloved Founders of Grand Rapids, Michigan.

We talk stouts, bourbon barrels, KBS, CBS, gypsum caves, All Day IPA, and much much more. Honestly, if you're a beer drinking worth the barley in your belly then you are all too familiar with Breakfast Stout and the Founders brand. They rock.

I loved this talk with Jeremy and if this text post seems short it's because I am traveling in the south of Spain. Really, I am! But I wanted to make sure you had the latest and greatest interview from yours truly with one of the best and brightest brewmasters. 

Check out all of Founders delicious brews at https://foundersbrewing.com/ and follow Founders @FoundersBrewing on Twitter. Give me a follow while you're at it @drinktalkbeer. 

Thanks... Gracias,
