“Do you want to start a podcast?” Over three years ago Fabian sent this text message to Jared. During the next 365 days, their new hobby quickly evolved from discussing their favorite bourbon and beer to telling the stories of people who are shaping Indianapolis. The change directed DRNK CLTR’s new mission: To inspire and strengthen communities through storytelling. 

 Over the last three years, the Drink Culture Podcast has grown to become a premier local podcast with 160,000+ lifetime downloads, forty-seven episodes with 1,000+ downloads, many wonderful listeners who were supportive of our every venture, live shows, and the addition of three vowels and seven incredible team members: Hayley, Jeff, Michelle, Cole, and Tim.

 During this time, we received support from our community, our families, complete strangers, local leaders, Patrons, and local businesses. We are still moved by each gesture of support, so thank you. Your encouraging words, willingness to take a chance on us, and passion for our mission allowed us to produce 170+ consecutive weekly episodes. Thank you, thank you, thank you. 

 We are grateful for our community’s support and are proud of what we’ve accomplished, but it’s time for this chapter in our lives to come to a close. Not because we don’t believe in our mission and won’t carry it with us in every action, every day. But, because our lives are evolving. We’ve had babies, graduated college, changed jobs, built new relationships, and more during the last three years. We can’t keep up the side hustle forever.

 Drink Culture is ending. It’s tough. But, the growth and strength of the people who believe in our community will never end. Go explore! Be a champion! Share the message in the city we’ve all built together.

Drink Culture. Know Your City. We’re Out.

Drink Culture Newsletter: https://www.drnkcltr.com/newsletter/
Drink Culture Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/drnkcltr
Drink Culture Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drinkculturepodcast/
Drink Culture Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/drinkculturepodcast
Drink Culture YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/drinkculture