Mark Rittman, Founder and CEO of Rittman Analytics is joined in this special episode of Drill to Detail by returning guests Tristan Handy, Founder and CEO of Fishtown Analytics and Stewart Bryson, Founder and CEO of Red Pill Analytics to talk about the recent acquisitions of Looker by Google Cloud Platform and Tableau by Salesforce, the wider story about consolidation in the BI industry and whether the trend in analytics tools is towards enterprise features … or open source?

Five Thoughts on the Looker Acquisition by GCPCloud - Mark Rittman, Twitter Thread

A Wave of Acquisitions in Business Intelligence - Tristan Handy, Fishtown Analytics Blog

Google to acquire Looker - Thomas Kurian Blog Post

Google Cloud and Looker (PDF)

Siebel Analytics - The Jewel in the Project Fusion Crown? - Mark Rittman’s Oracle Weblog via Internet Archive

Applications in Looker

Salesforce Signs Definitive Agreement to Acquire Tableau's Tableau Acquisition: Admitting Organic Innovation Failure?

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