Want To Make Money Listening To Music? MUST LISTEN!

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Learn How To Make Money Online Listening To Music With Playlist Push

What Is Playlist Push?

If you like music and want to make money online then Playlist Push is perfect for you!

Playlist Push is a service that connects musicians with music playlist curators in order to help artists get more exposure for their music.

Playlist curators are people who own playlists on platforms such as Spotify and work to modify the song listings and handle requests to add and remove songs from the playlist.

How Can I Make Money With Playlist Push?

If you want to make money on PlayList Push you can create your own playlist.

You can go onto Spotify, create a playlist, and start putting trending songs on the playlist.

Then you can invite friends, post social media content, and run paid advertising for people to follow and listen to your playlist.

Once you have between 400 and 5000 followers, that is when Playlist Push comes in.

Playlist Push Sign Up Process

You can apply to be a Playlist Push curator with the right amount of followers.

First, you go to playlistpush.com and click the link in the navigation bar that says 'For Curators'.

Then on the next page click the 'Tell Me More' button.

Then you will be scrolled down to click on the 'Sign Me Up' button.

Then you will apply to be a curator.

You have to have the right amount of followers and the country in order to be paid.

Once you do you can sign up and start following the process to review songs and earn money.

It's that simple!

Do I Recommend Playlist Push To Make Money Online?

Yes, I do!

$12 a song review is pretty amazing.

Songs take 2-10 min max to listen to and if you like reviewing songs and running a playlist then yes, it's an amazing option.


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