Part 1

Magnesium, Potassium and Cardiac Rhythms – Carolyn Dean MD ND

Evidence-based scientific research on the relationship between potassium, magnesium and cardiac arrhythmias date back to the early 1950’s – probably even before that but my Google wouldn’t take me that far!

It’s said that most everybody’s heart will beat irregularly during the day at least once or twice.  But when the heart sustains an irregular rhythm it’s a sign that there is in imbalance in the electrical activity of the heart.

Atrial fibrillation is the most commonly diagnosed heart arrhythmia, reaching epidemic proportions. In the United States, AFib hospitalizations increased by 23 percent be- tween 2000 and 2010.62 The number of people in 2010 with AFib was about 5.2 million, and this is predicted to increase to about 12.1 million cases in 2030. I believe the increase in AFib parallels the increase in magnesium deficiency in the population.

The standard of care within the allopathic medical community has been developed to identify a-fib with an increased risk for heart failure, clots, and strokes. But that’s only if you already have heart disease. I believe that a significant portion of the population does not have a heart problem –they have a mineral deficiency problem!

The heart has four chambers; the top two are atria and the bottom two are ventricles. What causes the atria to fibrillate? In a healthy heart, the electrical impulses in the atria are coordinated by the proper balance and interaction of several minerals that function as electrolytes: magnesium, calcium, sodium, and potassium. It seems logical that an imbalance of these minerals is the cause and balancing them to support the structure and function of the heart is an excellent strategy.

But 2020 the medications that are used to treat AFib can themselves cause heart disease, which may just increase the likelihood of maintaining an AFib condition. And those patients with heart disease, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol are on medications that cause more heart disease because those medications deplete magnesium and promote magnesium deficiency. That’s probably why doctors say that AFib is incurable. They don’t know that ADDING magnesium, potassium and other minerals to their treatment protocol may accelerate heart remineralization, stabilization and recovery allowing the patient to complete their drug therapy lickety-split.

Tonight, we’ll talk with Dr. Carolyn Dean about Magnesium, Potassium and Cardiac Arrhythmia’s – along with a wide range of other health topics and clinically recommended nutritional assets to support your body. You will love hearing the beneficial interactions with our callers and hosts alike including the body/mind connection, identifying the ‘conflict’ in the ‘conflict basis’ of disease and much more!!

Dr. Dean takes questions via email. Please write [email protected]
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