Got an idea, but not sure how to launch and market it? We chat with with NYC based tech entrepreneur and journalist Wize - the Creative Director and founder of Indie Creative Network, an on-demand media production and distribution company. Wize talks about his dream driving journey, going to college in the US, working in Barbados for a while, coming back to New York City and eventually launching his own network. Wize shares the lessons he learned launching and marketing Indie Creative Network from the ground up as well as tips that others creatives and lifestyle entrepreneurs can use as they market their own dreams in drive. As Creative Director at Indie Creative Network, Wize uses his expertise in risk management, podcast production and demographic analysis to produce and distribute 27 talk and music mix shows based in 5 different countries. Join in on the conversation on social (@dreamsindrive) and use the hashtag #dreamsindrive. Enjoy!

- Why Wize's mother is his biggest inspiration
- The power of Google University
- The importance of researching trying to figure it out before asking for help
- What happened when Wize went back to Barbados to live & work for a year
- Wize's highest paying freelance gig
- Why Wize turned down a glorious West Coast job
- The joys of fatherhood
- The early days of the Indie Creative Network
- Using data to inform your content creation
- Tips for creating your own network
- The importance of SEO in building & marketing to your audience
- The power of hashtags & using different social media platforms
- Monetizing your platform
- Why Indie Creative Network is so important
- Wize's biggest motivation




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