When’s the last time you sat down and defined what success looks like for you? We chat with L’Oreal Thompson Payton, a Chicago-based media and marketing professional, who shares her journey of eventually feeling burned out as an editor for Jet magazine and the life shift she made that eventually landed her in a media relations position at Girl Scouts of Greater Chicago and Northwest Indiana. She chats how she embraced defining success on her OWN terms. This podcast is especially useful for those that may not want to be full-time entrepreneurs or who don’t have dreams of being the BOSS. There is definitely more than one way to be a dream driver! Show notes here: http://bit.ly/21nDFuG SUBSCRIBE: www.dreamsindrive.com/join Connect with Dreams In Drive on Social: twitter.com/dreamsindrive instagram.com/dreamsindrive Find L'Oreal on social: instagram.com/ltinthecity twitter.com/ltinthecity www.ltinthecity.com Find Rana on social: instagram.com/rainshineluv twitter.com/rainshineluv www.ranacampbell.com

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