Scilla Andreen is an award-winning filmmaker, producer, director, and Emmy-nominated costume designer (The Wonder Years). She is also the CEO and Co-Founder of Indieflix, a global entertainment screening and subscription streaming service based in Seattle. IndieFlix produces and distributes social impact films and series to create positive change in the world.

What you will learn:

How Scilla went from NYU with aspirations to become a litigator, to answering the call of Hollywood, telling stories through film. How Scilla’s passion and boldness got her a job working as a Hollywood costume designer. How a jarring experience as a costume designer caused her to seek something more fulfilling in the film industry. Why she co-founded IndieFlix and how it became more successful after the controversial decision to remove 7,000 titles from its catalog. How IndieFlix opens opportunities for dialogue, engagement, and catharsis that mainstream competitors don’t. How her documentaries Like, Angst and Upstanders fit within IndieFlix's ethos as "content for a purpose." Why Scilla plans to circle back into narrative films. Why she believes that it is mentally healthier to consume media through streaming as opposed to network television. How she learned to embrace IndieFlix’s inevitable comparisons to Netflix and use them to her advantage. Why she turned down an offer to produce HBO’s Six Feet Under to work on a sitcom. Why she enjoys working with millennials, and what unique assets they bring to an organization. How young people tell stories every day through social media, and how those skills can cross over into filmmaking. Why marketing and storytelling abilities are critical skills to develop as a filmmaker. What advice she would give to a graduating senior who is interested in storytelling through film. What film festivals like Sundance, SIFF, and Cannes, offer to audiences and filmmakers, and the importance of film in general.


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