Today on the Podcast, Lessons Learned + Our Future Selves.

Hard to believe but it was exactly 19 years ago (this month) that I moved from small town NH (grew up in a tiny town of just 10,000 people) to big city La La Land. Wilder still? Those 19 years ago? I was exactly 19 years old. And, I gotta tell you, there’s something kind of full circle about that.

Given so many of our recent episodes have been about how to get mentors, how to pitch influencers, how to find your tribe, and how to know when the whole transformation / personal growth process will happen (cuz DANG is change hard!) — I thought this week a perfect time to walk down memory lane.

In thinking about what I'd tell my 19-year-old self (having since worked as an actress, a photographer, a filmmaker, speaker and coach; weathering my fare share of failures and embarrassments, heartbreaks and betrayals; trauma and injustices) I can't help but think what my future self might ALSO want to tell me, now, sharing with you.

So if anything feels full circle, in your own life, use this conversation less as peek into my world and more as an opportunity to gaze into your own. What doors need to be closed? What windows want to be opened? Time to get curious and compassionate about it all.

In this Episode We Talk About:

Why podcasting actually feels so, so weird (+ How you can help), Our upcoming Summer Solstice 2018 Live Event in LA, The 5 Things I'd Tell My 19-year-old self, When "quick studies" & innately talented folks are the most challenged, Why doubt can be as addictive as any drug, When talent, looks, smarts, humor, money, contacts have nothing to do with it, The #1 lesson I had to learn over and over and over again, Who you need to forgive right now, no matter what, The question(s) to ask yourself this week and every week.

Get Ready to Hear All The Behind-The-Scenes Stories & Insights.

Mentioned in this Podcast:

Follow Me: Instagram Events Mentioned: Dreamcatchers District Summer Solstice Soiree, June 2018, in LA (Get on the List to be the first to grab Early Bird seats. This will sell out!) Past Episodes: Ep 035 "Pitch Influencers, Find Your Tribe, Surrender with Nitika Chopra"Ep 033 "Why is Change so Hard? (4 Phases of Transformation)" , Ep 032 "Tips to Find Mentors, Market Authentically, Meditate Easier with Ben Decker" Look For Upcoming Episode Topics: How to Secure Brand Partners, My Biggest Mistakes in Business, Should You Join a Mastermind or Hire a Coach? The Dreamcatchers District: Creative Direction for Your Beliefs, Body, Biz & Brand GET INVITED TO SUMMER SOLSTICE SOIREE 2018 in LA 


This is Not a Monologue, Chime In!

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