Today on the Podcast, When Your Inner Critic is Loudest

This week, we’re talking about a fairly unpopular topic; one I would say is the dirty little secret of online business.


And that is … loneliness … the single emotional state killing your beliefs, body, and business.


Especially for those of you who are Creative Entrepreneurs (like me) working predominantly from home, leading small virtual teams, maybe only in the field with clients on occasion and working mostly over Skype — feeling lonely is no small thing. And it can wreck havoc on your hormones, your focus, your relationships, your time and your money.


So if you’re feeling like a Lone Wolf …

Even more, now, the bigger a “success” you become — it makes sense. Know that you’re not alone no matter how alienated or overwhelmed you might feel. But let’s not sugar coat this universal experience nor accept it as the status quo. There’s always a better way. And that better way starts when we’re smart enough to …


Get honest, ask tough questions, and do things differently …


Truth? You’re shouldering greater responsibilities as a boss, as an influencer, as someone holding the space of support for everybody else (particularly if you’re a fellow speaker, teacher, coach, content creator). And that takes a tremendous amount of stamina, self-discipline, confidence and vision. (This goes for those of you, too, in your first 1-2 years of business; juggling a zillion different hats). Now, more than ever, those pangs of loneliness and distraction may have you …


Looking around and wondering …


:: Who can I talk to where I don’t have to be “on?”

:: Where can I go where I don’t have to be the expert? Where I can be the student?

:: Where won’t I risk my reputation by telling the truth and admitting what’s not working?

:: Where can I be one of many, just like everybody else, and learn in a confidential container?

:: Where can I get out of my everyday life and still have virtual support when I get home?

:: Where can I find an intimate, immersive, incubator and not get lost in a huge group?


In this Episode We Talk About:

The reasons you maybe can’t remember a dang thing you did today Why starting, launching, systemizing & scaling the right biz is harder now that ever The #1 default pattern I, myself, have to look out for and practice again and again Where to not throw the baby out with the bath water when it comes to learning How the brain retains information best and what it discards first (SHOCKER alert) Why (sometimes) the things you want are not the things you need


If you've attended a live Dreamcatchers District event in LA, coached with me privately, been invited to one of our secret virtual masterclasses, or applied for an immersive planning retreat weekend and mastermind — then you already know how much we foster warm, smart, funny, generous and genuine women who are as driven as they are reflective.

We don’t go it alone and we won’t let you “struggle solo” either.

SO — if you’ve built the wrong business (or if you’re determined NOT to) then The Rebrand was designed specifically for you. Hop on the list below and be the first to know when virtual (and live in LA) doors open.

Get Ready to Hear All The Behind-The-Scenes Stories & Insights.

Mentioned in this Podcast:

• Follow Karen: Instagram , Website

• Past Episodes: "Ep 004: Money, Marriage and Business Models with Mamapreneur Bari Tessler" , “Ep 023: Truth Telling, Boundaries & Business with Wild Soul Elizabeth DiAlto,” and “Ep 013: Digital Detoxing & 5 Best Practices”

• The Dreamcatchers District: Creative Direction for Your Beliefs, Body, Biz & Brand GET INVITED TO LIVE LA + VIRTUAL EXPERIENCES


This is Not a Monologue, Chime In!

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