Today on the Podcast, The Messy Middle

We've all been there. At that intersection of Not Yet and No Longer — where everything feels a bit off, a bit clunky, and you're fighting to make things "fit."

When you know your strengths, you've got a bazillion BIG ideas, no shortage of passion or causes — but you just don't know how to make it all come together — what then?

Know You're in the Creative Cocoon  ...

For some? It can be one of the most stressful, disorienting, and lonely places to be. Not knowing who they are, what they want, why they started, where they're going or how they'll get there — they just want the experience OVER.

For others? These chrysalis moments (as we talk about in coaching) can actually feel nurturing, honoring, restorative and life-giving.

But, for most? It's both.

The KEY is to Remember ...

What's on the other side: TRANSFORMATION.

• Experiences that feel more liberating, more surprising, and more exciting than anything you've done in a lonnnnng, long time.

• Finding enough grace with yourself (and patience with the unknown) to embrace "what is" AND explore "what could be."

• Trusting everything memorable is just outside your comfort zone. So don't shrink; stretch.


Enter my Conversation with fellow Podcaster, Christopher Swan ...

Based out of Sonoma, Christopher's on an adventure and discovery all his own. Since creating the My Big Story podcast, in 2016, he's been interviewing a diverse mix of people, uncovering unique stories, and now literally hopping planes, trains, and automobiles to share voices that aren’t being heard. But what I appreciate most about Christopher’s show? Our shared value for inclusivity and an all-embracing interest in people from various walks of life. His transparency and behind-the-scenes reveals make this a must listen for anyone struggling to figure out their next bold move.

In this Episode We Talk About:

• How to navigate not knowing what's next

• Why it's easy to start a podcast but hard to be good

• Where listening, staying in the moment, and surprise meet

• The #1 thing your audience picks up on

• When it's not a Fear of Failure it might be this fear

• The problem with striving for happiness

• One thing all his podcast guests have in common

• When he knew he had to take a step back

• What he's done to make his bigger vision his new reality

• How to redefine "Me Time" and "Balance"

• The link between faith, self-trust, pride and momentum

Get Ready to Hear All The Behind-The-Scenes Stories & Insights.

Mentioned in this Podcast:

• Follow Christopher: Website, My Big Story Podcast, Instagram

• People Mentioned: Elizabeth Gilbert on Super Soul Sunday

• Past Episodes: "Ep 017: How Successful Creative Entrepreneurs Plan for Failure,"  "Ep 003: Why Integrity, Identity & Instagram Matter with Tyler J. McCall"

• Quotes: "Community over Competition" ~ Rising Tide Society

• The Dreamcatchers District: Creative Direction for Your Beliefs, Body, Biz & Brand GET INVITED TO LIVE LA + VIRTUAL EXPERIENCES


This is Not a Monologue, Chime In!

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• Email your biggest challenges, aha’s, and guest nominations to info @ .