Today on the Podcast, Rest and Reflection:

As we close out 2017, before taking several weeks off for holidays, I thought I'd share one of my favorite morning rituals. It's a mantra meditation for you to use, on demand, whenever you find yourself feeling a little behind, a little alone, a little lost, a little scarce or a whole-lotta "not good enough." Cuz we've all been there!

In fact, given where we were about this time last year (and ALL that's transpired since), I can't imagine anyone not needing a little extra dose of inner encouragement these days. It's been a sobering, horrifying, unfathomable series of events (and tweets). And, yet, these are not new issues. Only out in the open like never before. Which brings new opportunity and greater responsibility. For you, for me, for WE.

The good news? Love isn't a fragile, polite, thing. She stands up to hate and says, "Not today." Fierce, she is as firm as she is kind. So, let's put our energy toward the solution. Slow down to speed up. And be agents of change. Together.

Until 2018, Peace & Blessings!

In this Episode We Talk About:

• Why positive affirmations induce stress

• How to talk to your inner critic

• 4 things we ALL must get better with

• Guided Mantra Mudra Meditation

Get Ready to Hear All The Behind-The-Scenes Stories & Insights.


Mentioned in this Podcast:

• Follow Me: Instagram 

• People: Van Jones on NPR , Elizabeth Gilbert on Super Soul Sunday

• Past Episodes: "EP 018 Getting to the Root with Naturopathic Dr. Emily FitzGerald" and  "EP 015 How to Deal with Awkward Career Advice this Holiday"

• The Dreamcatchers District Creative Direction: For Your Beliefs and Business, Ask Me How


This is Not a Monologue, Chime In!

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