Today on the Podcast: 5 Tips to Avoid the Awkward!

I wanted to talk about something that comes up a lot around this time of year, which is holiday stress. As we're heading into Thanksgiving this week, Fall is here, we're cozying up, and things are winding down.

All should feel calm on the home front, right?

And, yet, as we gear up for more holiday parties — where you'll see family, you might even run into old colleagues, or face friends you haven't seen in a long time — you may be feeling a lot of anticipation. It's something I've been hearing, again and again, these past few weeks from coaching clients.

And, we've all been there!

Don't Lose Your Momentum:

If you're already catching yourself worrying about things like, "How do I talk about my business? How do I explain what I do?"  or "How can I not get into it? How can I not show up at all?" — than chances are? You're already at the risk of self-sabotage. Why? Because you're heavily induced into stress.

Celebrate What's Working:

Before you take an even bigger swan dive into all the things you feel uneasy about, and you overlook how far you've come, stop and give yourself some credit. Too often too many of us highly creative and ambitious gals (myself included) rob ourselves of acknowledging what's going well.

It's no wonder, then, why you might feel extra vulnerable, extra amped, going into a season of "Heyyyyy, it's been a while ... how's work going?"

Have a Plan for THAT GUY (or GAL):

What's that saying? "There's always one." Makes me laugh.

Well, this holiday season, try holding this paradox: you can love 'em AND you can leave 'em. There's no rule that says in order to be kind, in order to be thoughtful, you have to be within ear shot. There's power in planning a graceful exit, in flexing your self-awareness muscles, and (simultaneously) seeing the other person as you.

So, listen now for 5 practices to calm those holiday nerves and get you back to enjoying that pie ... in peace!

In this Episode We Talk About:

• The #1 holiday stress for most creative entrepreneurs

• Why you're not alone in wanting to avoid awkward talks

• What keeps this gal going behind the mic of this here poddy-pod

• 5 decisions to spare yourself self-sabotage this Thanksgiving

• How to mindfully build your own EQ and bounce back from triggers

• The reason everyone deserves the benefit of the doubt

Get Ready to Hear All The Behind-The-Scenes Stories & Insights.

Mentioned in this Podcast:

• Follow Me: Instagram 

• Quote: "What you appreciate, appreciates." ~ Lynne Twist on SuperSoul Sunday

• Past Episode: LISTEN NOW to episode #006 "Start Where You Are, Stand Where You're Going"

• The Dreamcatchers District Creative Direction: For Your Beliefs and Business, Ask Me How


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