Today on the Podcast, Guest Alex Albrecht:

If you're anything like most creative entrepreneurs (or living and breathing humans) than you may have, at one time or another, held yourself back; too scared to "put yourself out there."

Despite all of your talents and gifts, needs and desires, capabilities and smarts — you may have been playing it "safe" for fear of what others might think or say.

And in this internet age, honestly, it's understandable. But, as coaching clients will tell you and what we say here all the time, "just because it's understandable doesn't mean it's useful."

Stop Being a Thief:

See, the challenge with indulging these types of universal and understandable fears? It robs you of all the joy you were born to experience; it robs us of all the creations you were born to express. But worse?

It robs everyone of all the connection we were each born to share. And it's that loneliness behind the screen, that disconnection, that causes so much compare-despair and "scroll suffering" like we talked on Instagram.

Time for us all  to get out of our own way and creatively contribute more than we compare; more than we critique. Consider this week's episode your invitation to learn how to ...

Take Nothing Personally & Live for Today:

If you're an avid podcast listener or web show gazer than you likely know Alex from his wildly popular online shows Diggnation, The Totally Rad Show, and Half Hour Happy Hour with Alison and Alex on Nerdist.

You may even recognize him from appearances on NBC's "Late Night With Jimmy Fallon, hosting Blizzcon, or speaking at SXSW.  And if you attended a past live Dreamcatchers District event in LA, then you maybe even asked him a question during our panel discussion on Flow.

What you may not know, is that this man's real super power is his uncanny ability to be exactly who he is whether offstage or on. Enthusiastic, multi-passionate, solutions focused — Alex is the walking definition of failing fast, feeling free, and fostering fun. He's also one of the kindest and most generous spirits, I know.

Traits that, no doubt, have set him up for continued success and satisfaction in entertainment as well as entrepreneurship. Because that type of "YES" leadership, my friends, is infectious. May we all catch it.

In this Episode We Talk About:

• Why he has thousands of unused business cards

• The $10 visioning exercise he does twice a year

• Where his optimism and "possibility" thinking comes from

• What he's not good at and the gears he doesn't have

• When his buddy put to words his own unconscious belief

• The chance meeting that started his hosting career

• Why the entertainment industry is a frustrating paradox

• The time he struggled to figure out "Who I Am"

• When he first learned to take nothing personally

• Why it's never the "right time" to have kids, to travel, to start

• What his marriage has taught him over the years about himself and others

• How to not put your "stank" on failure and keep your momentum

• Why most people put on "reward blinders" and how to take them off

• The #1 thing he believes you cannot succeed without

• How he books himself solid and psyches himself up before big gigs

• What he's learned working with people of extreme fame

Get Ready to Hear All The Behind-The-Scenes Stories & Insights from Alex Albrecht 

Mentioned in this Podcast:

• Follow Alex: Twitter , Facebook , Instagram , Website

• Where You've Seen Him: Diggnation , Totally Rad Show , Rachel Maddow , Late Night with Jimmy Fallon

• Currently Hosts: Half Hour Happy Hour with Alison and Alex on Nerdist , Blizzcon 

• People Mentioned: Kevin Rose (Digg) , Tim Ferris (4 Hour Work Week), Gary Vaynerchuk (Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook), Timothy Omundson (Psych)

• Funny or Die Episode: What it's like Meeting People in LA

• Past Guest: Heather Stewart: Episode 002 "How to Love Yourself & Go Pro"

• The Dreamcatchers District Creative Direction: For Your Beliefs and Business, Ask Me How


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