Today on the Podcast, Guest Heather Stewart!

I'm so excited to introduce you to one of my absolute favorite people on the planet, longtime friend, Heather Stewart.

Heather is a Singer, Songwriter, Actress and Comedian.

She was most recently featured on ABC's American Housewife and one of her original songs was just featured on NCIS (the world's most watched drama). And her comedy trio The Boobe Sisters who, according to The LA Times, blend their 1960's doowop with hilarious song parodies, have been seen headlining all over the city as well as appearing on America's Got Talent and The Gong Show.

But what I think's most impressive about miss Heather Stewart? The stand she takes for sisterhood. Funny, generous, thoughtful, and always up for a good time — these are the kind of women you thank your lucky stars for. A sister-friend. A kindred spirit. And the Dreamcatchers District community wouldn't be the same without her. I know I sure wouldn't.

She's Ambitious, Creative, Entrepreneurial Folk:

And that's why she's such a needed and beloved welcomed energy in our community. Breaking free in our beliefs and our businesses, it's not just what we do. It's who we are. And having positive, forward thinking, women friends and mastermind gal-pals like Heather Stewart — is what makes Dreamcatchers District exactly what it is. Ah-mazing.

From belly laughs to ugly cries, from planning retreats to virtual co-working dates, you just want to have them in your court. And I'm beyond grateful to have Heather in mine.

We Talk About:

• How she experiences Fear and Failure today versus 15 years ago

• The truth about auditioning and why you're not booking

• Grief and Loss and stepping into her own womanhood, going pro

• The recent disappointment that left her in tears and how she bounced back

• Why doing and action are everything; How to get things on a calendar

• The Success Mindset she learned from husband and fellow Creative Entrepreneur, Alex Albrecht

• How denying your gifts and talents is like "spitting in the face of God"

• The power of partnering with people better than you

• The Dreamcatchers District framework we've used for years to vent with purpose


Get Ready to Hear All The Behind-The-Scenes Stories & Insights that Heather is dropping.


Links Mentioned in this Podcast:

• Follow Heather: website and Twitter and her album What It Is with photography by Karen Christensen

• Books: The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz, Expectation Hangover by Christine Hassler, Outliers by Malcom Gladwell

• Follow Heather's Husband: Creative Entrepreneur, Future Dreamcatchers District Guest: Alex Albrecht 

• Heather's Comedy Trio: The Boobe Sisters 

• The Dreamcatchers District Detox Calls: Get Your Own Mastermind Sister-Friend, Ask Me How


This is Not a Monologue, Chime In!

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