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Has this ever happened to you? Have you had a dream that didn’t make much sense to you at the time, but then a day or a week later discovered that the event in your dream came to pass? These are called precognitive or premonition dreams, and they’re not as unusual as you might think.
We take a look at the world of precognitive dreams with author and dream expert Tony Hawkins. Tony has been working with his own precognitive dreams for over fifty years and is the author of ten books, including Bliss and Fantasia of Light and Shadow. In our flowing discussion, Tony tells us:
•how to realize we are having a precognitive dream
•his dreams that predicted Trump’s election and future space travel
•how the January 6th Insurrection showed up in a dream
•what our dreams tell us about ourselves and the world at large
•why there’s no such thing as a big or little dream
You may want to take another look at what your own dreams are telling you after listening to this informative episode of Dream Power Radio.
Tony Hawkins is a member of the International Association for the Study of Dreams. He wrote the following biography for this episode.
In common with many people born into the 1940s my life was an inheritance of catastrophes. Two world wars left our family in ruins. Life with my mother, an aspiring artist and poet, pin-balled around various states of vagrancy from which we were ‘rescued’, she to the mental hospital and me to the children’s homes. Out of a three term school year I regularly missed one or two terms through an endless cough ‘cured’, from age 14, by running.
Three meals a day for several months at the final home brought vitamins as well as oxygen to my brain and suddenly, to everyone’s astonishment, I came 2nd in the country in mathematics. I went on to take O and A levels, but my mind, overwhelmed by deprivational excesses, needed healing before it could make sense of ‘education’. I needed to write. ‘A’ levels had shown that studying literature was not the way for me. Words were alive. They needed active life.
The simple jobs of economic enslavement can be healing to shattered souls. And this was 1960, facing thermonuclear annihilation. The guaranteed future was 30 minutes, the time for ICBMs to arrive from Russia. Working for ‘the Man’ who created all this was tantamount to criminal insanity.
In the midst of more industrial jobs I became a bus conductor in one of the beautiful places of the world, the English Lake District, being driven about the fells by day and galloping over them the rest of the time. They became like great brothers and sisters, every one an individual. I see now I avoided manmade paths as much as possible. It seemed inculcated into my bones that they were not for me.
The same was true of writing. Something bigger than the scale of human preoccupations was trying to get through. After 60 years and 30 million words I might finally have made it in the form of a very short, true story involving a proof of precognitive dreaming. But it’s not about precognition as such but precognition as evidence for a whole other level of intelligent life, possibly a kind of completeness, hidden within us, buried by human social and

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